Shannon is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She has worked in mental health programs for the past 14 years. She provides psychotherapy couples, as well as adult individuals. She teaches the skills to help her clients create a more joyful and meaningful life. Shannon firmly believes that the individual or couple must lead the process. Her role is to offer support, tools, and guidance.
Shannon has always had an interest in relationships and believes our individual happiness is directly correlated to the health of our relationships. She has completed training in the Gottman Method, as well as training from the national leaders in relationship work. She keeps up with the latest research and methodology so she can better serve clients. She has developed retreats, workshops, and intensive weekends in order to reach a more wide range of clients. She is focused on supporting couples in creating a thriving relationship.
Shannon enjoys spending time with her three children and husband of 16 years, who give her ample opportunity to practice what she preaches!

Brandi is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker. She started work in the criminal justice system in 2008. She works with people dealing with legal issues, substance addictions, and mental health struggles. She also works with people in the veteran population facing similar struggles. She facilitates group and couples therapy for both of these populations.
Raised in a blended family herself, she is in tune with the unique set of needs different family types require. She is married with three kids (his, hers and ours). While her marriage has not been perfect, it has been the perfect environment to learn what does and doesn’t make a marriage thrive.
Brandi prefers an eclectic approach to therapy and finds great value in candid discussions, utilizing skills-based therapies, mindfulness, and compassion for self and others in her practice. She finds that the place to start is usually with ourselves, because, of course, this is what is within our own control. The other stuff has a way of working itself out when we are satisfied with who we are as individuals.