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Shannon Johnson
Jul 6, 20205 min read
Dragon Lady
Today, I want to chat about my journey with my fight response. I lovingly refer to her as the Dragon Lady. If there are any Game of...
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Shannon Johnson
Feb 27, 20204 min read
Moving Through Relationship Conflict to Find the Sunshine
I know, I know. I can never seem to write a blog without visuals. You may be wondering what I mean by sunshine. It is my personal belief...
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Shannon Johnson
Jan 12, 20204 min read
What Lights You Up?
As we launch into a new year and a new decade, many of us start to reflect on our lives. Are we doing what we want in our career? Are we...
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Shannon Johnson
Dec 9, 20194 min read
After Opposites Attract
Aren't relationships fascinating? We are often attracted to humans who are strong in areas where we struggle as individuals. One such...
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Shannon Johnson
Nov 13, 20193 min read
Do the "Shoulds" Steal Your Holiday Magic?
Yes, I admit it. I am one of those people who loves the holidays. I literally pick a Christmas wrapping theme each year, and I spend the...
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Shannon Johnson
Nov 7, 20193 min read
Move Out of Roommate Status
A common sentiment I hear in couples work is, "I feel like we are just roommates." As we all move through the stressors of life, we often...
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Shannon Johnson
Oct 4, 20194 min read
The Story We Tell Ourselves
Today, I want to chat about a theme I am seeing in relationships. Most of us are familiar with that nasty inner critic we all have. It is...
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Shannon Johnson
Aug 6, 20193 min read
Do You Really Want Total Transparency?
If you ask Brad what's most important to me in relationships, he will quickly answer honesty. You see, I had a brief and educational...
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Shannon Johnson
Jul 16, 20193 min read
The Honey Bucket of Relationships
In my work with couples, I always talk about this metaphorical bucket where they harbor resentment. As I was chatting with my sister last...
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Shannon Johnson
Jul 1, 20193 min read
Slow It Down
As I have been working with couples the past couple of weeks, I have realized how vital it is to slow down in all aspects of our life....
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Shannon Johnson
Jun 16, 20192 min read
Ode to Fathers
My Mother's Day blog came quite naturally! Brandi and I make it a point to walk our talk, and clearly we have not experienced what it...
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Shannon Johnson
Jun 11, 20193 min read
What Romantic Comedies and Pornography Have in Common
If you read my blogs, you've gotten a snapshot of what it's like to live in my head. My own experiences, combined with conversations with...
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Shannon Johnson
Jun 4, 20194 min read
Conflict Coming Out Sideways
When I first meet a couple, I want to know their story. How did they meet? What attracted them to each other? When did they decide to...
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Shannon Johnson
May 21, 20193 min read
Why Attend a Relationship Retreat?
We get it. A relationship retreat probably doesn't make most couples' top ten list. Even close family and friends of mine can't seem to...
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Shannon Johnson
May 7, 20196 min read
Don't "Should" Through Motherhood
A little over 15 years ago, Brad and I entered parenthood; like most -- dare I say all -- new parents, we had no idea what we were...
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Shannon Johnson
Apr 16, 20196 min read
To the Parents of Little People
I have the opportunity to work with many couples who have transitioned into parenthood recently. As a mother of a 15, 13, and 9-year old,...
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Brandi Hobbs
Apr 2, 20193 min read
Changing Patterns
We humans are creatures of habit, right? In some ways, this is good. It helps us create routines that become familiar to us. It also...
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Shannon Johnson
Mar 12, 20193 min read
It's Not About the Ham.
One of my favorite aspects of working with couples is dissecting conflict. Maybe that's why my first occupation was teaching biology --...
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Shannon Johnson
Mar 7, 20193 min read
For Our Military and First Responders Part III: "We Go Through a Lot of Sh*t!"
I always like direct quotes, and my brother-in-law titled this section for me. Hard to argue with this statement. In the last year, I...
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Shannon Johnson
Mar 6, 20193 min read
For Our Military and First Responders Part II: We Can Talk about Dark and Twisty
I, like you, chose my career. I chose to sit for an hour with many people who have witnessed (or been a direct victim of) trauma. This...
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